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me       4-27-2005 11:10 AM
I came across a poster the other day that said, "Friendship isn't a big thing - It's a lot of little things."

That got me thinking. So lately I have been trying to pay a lot of attention to little things in my relationship with my wife. Things had been very strained between us lately, but this seems to be helping. For example, I know she likes to do the Monday crossword puzzle in the paper (it's the easiest one in the week - and neither of us get very far with the hard ones). Anyway, I started clipping that out and making sure she gets it. It's a small, simple thing. But to her, it says, "I care about you, I'm thiking about you - you're important to me." So, multiply that by many opportunities we have each day to show our wives or the significant others in our lives our appreciation of them, and watch your relationships improve.
Bb,Hh       5-21-2005 9:39 PM
Reminds me of the Golden Rule - treating someone the way I'd like them to treat me. Going even one step further would be the Platinum Rule - treating someone the way THEY want to be treated. A suble difference, but significant. Involves looking at the situation from the other's position. Much harder to do. The word empathy comes to mind here. Seeing it, feeling it, understanding it from the other's eyeballs. That doesn't mean you agree with them, but truly understand it from their side. Once they feel you truly understand how they feel, then reconciliation, restoration can begin to happen.
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