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me       4-27-2005 11:21 AM
Hey - If David Letterman can have a "Top Ten List" everynight, seems like we could make a collection of ideas that help us keep ourselves on the right path.

1. Keep a notepad of some kind handy to jot down ideas or quotes that "connect" for you. They could be something you've heard in a sermon, at a men's group discussion, from your reading, or wherever. Then, take time to just read through it every so often to "renew your mind." When I start to feel a bit shaky, I've found it to be a great way to combat the thinking errors that can begin to creep in and to remind myself of the importance of staying on the recovery way.
me again       5-12-2005 10:33 AM
2. Here's one a guy from an integrity group shared. It sounds kinda odd, but I figured, what have I got to lose. So, I've been trying it for the past week, and I'll be darned if it doesn't seem to work!

So what it is, is when you get a lustful thought in your mind, you freeze it, then "pulverize" it, and then send it away "as far as the East is from the West."

For me, numerous times a day I will have a lustful memory of a woman I've seen or have been with. As soon as I realize what's hapening, I imagine the person getting immobilized, like in concrete (like they're frozen in one of those things like Hans Solo got stuck in on one of the earlier Satr Wars movies - remember that?).

Anyway, then I just imagine the whole thing getting demolished by a jackhammer or pile driver or sledge hammer or whatever you like. With all the fragments on the ground, I imagine sweeping them all away while a giant vaccuum sucks them up (this is the Lord's part) and takes them away to "as far as the East is from the West."

By being consistent and persistent, the same images rarely reappear, and the number of these memories intruding into my thought life each day has gone way down. Praise the Lord!
Bb,Hh       5-15-2005 2:52 PM
Great ideas. I have found this to be helpful: The other day I was working at the university. Normally to babes there hold no interest to me, but on this particular day a gal walked by in a skirt a little too short swaying in the wind. She was also wearing spiked high heels. It did catch my attention (only briefly). However, it revisited that evening in my imagination. Not willing to go with those thoughts I decided to reframe the visual - I added 30 years to her age and 50 pounds to her weight. So now I see an older gal bulging walking in high heels that are now 1 inch thick rather than spike. Hardly something to fantisize about. Works for me.

me       6-9-2005 11:50 AM
Here's an assortment of stuff that I have come across lately:

God only says "No" to us about something so He can say "Yes" to us for some blessings to come into our life.

There are three things you can't change: 1)the past, 2)other people, and 3)how life works.

"The first step to a great life is to fill your life with a positive faith that will help you through anything. The second is to begin where you are." - Norman Vincent Peale

All our behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes are interconnected with our relationships to others, to God and to ourselves. Contrary to what many of us attempt to do, we can't segment or compartmentalize one from the other.

"How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed to your word, O Lord."

- Each day, spend time in the Word at least until you come across a verse or line that "speaks" to you. Then, throughout the day, reflect on it and repeat it to yourself as a way to keep "renewing your mind."
All times are MT (US).
All dates are in Month-Day-Year format.
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