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me       5-26-2005 10:39 AM

Recently in a weekly integrity group meeting, we had a discussion about surrender. Seems like it's a central issue in our recovery. and essential to have joy in our walk with the Lord.

So, I got to looking around for more info on it. One thing led to another. Icame across the notes below on the topic of meekness. It seems closely tied in with surrender. And it's pretty much the opposite of the narcissistic streak I see in myself. Maybe you'll get something out of it too.

Meekness not weakness

Like the other beatitudes, this one is completely contrary to what the world says- the world says blessed are the RICH, the Happy and the assertive. Jesus obviously doesn't think so. 'I did it my way' seems to be the exact opposite of what Jesus is saying here.

It is only as we realize our poverty before God and our inability to save ourselves that we can begin to mourn our sin. Our helplessness and inability to change ourselves or please God drives that mourning. Unless we realize that we cannot live the Christian life under our own steam, we have not become Christians at all. The sermon on the mount 'demands a quality of ethical conduct which is breath-taking in its dimensions.'[1]

Do you ever despair of changing? Do you ever feel helpless before God? Do you ever feel that you are a failure as a Christian? Does the devil ever whisper in your ear and tell you that you are useless and a failure?

Hallelujah you can be comforted. The answer to the devil whispering to you in that way is to say, 'guess what devil you don't know everything and there are sins I have committed in my mind that you have never seen, but God has dealt with them and do you know what he knows even less about my sin than you do as he has forgiven me and chosen to forget it'!

Once you know just how hopeless you are on your own, how can you stand up for yourself anymore. How can it bother you that God or man has seemingly unfairly treated you? Does it matter that people have said horrible things about you for you know that there are many more horrible things that could be said. How can you hold yourself as an example of virtue when you truly know the natural evil of your heart and that in the right circumstances you would have been as big a sinner as anyone alive!

A dead man cannot complain at being mistreated, for he is dead. 'He who is already down cannot fall'. (Bunyan) The truly meek would probably not ever issue the cry 'its not fair.'

What is meekness? Or rather AM I MEEK?

1. not weakness

We tend to think it means weakness. Dictionary definitions seem to confirm this- Meekness is 'Easily managed or handled: docile, gentle, mild, tame. See WILD. .. Having or expressing feelings of humility: humble, lowly, modest. (Rogers thesaurus) or 'Showing patience and humility; gentle….. Easily imposed on; submissive.' (American Heritage dictionary)

So not exactly a popular concept in our modern word of self love, self assertiveness, and self seeking. But in fact, self assertiveness is not a modern concept 'Pagan writers paid greater respect to the self-confident man.'[i]

In fact the English word derives from an old Germanic word that also gives us the word muck- so it would seem at least that far from inheriting the earth the meek are trampled in the muck!'An effeminate spiritless man or youth; one wanting in courage or manliness' definition of a 'milksop' in the thirteenth century. This is the image of Christians held up in countless sitcoms, soaps, movies and news interviews. We loath it rightly, but have we missed out on meekness?

Meekness is not weakness biblically!

2. Meekness is not hasty anger but humble reception of Gods word

It is dealing with our anger, hastiness and sin and receiving humbly what God says to be true and building our lives on it! 'Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person hbe quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires.…receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.[ii] (James 1:19-21)

We MUST have a teachable spirit.We need to teach ourselves to excuse others and be angry and indignant only against ourselves for our own sin! I have been praised by some others for having a teachable spirit, but have I really got one? Do I apply the bible to myself or rather to others? When you listen to a sermon do you think, o that person needs to hear this? Do you argue with the preacher or worse with what God says in his word internally? Do you allow yourself to be changed? What was the last sermon you heard or verse you read that changed your life

3. Meekness is wisdom not foolishness

Thou knowest well how to excuse and to colour thine own deeds, but thou wilt not accept the excuses of others. It would be more just to accuse thyself and excuse thy brother. If thou wilt that others bear with thee, bear thou with others. Behold how far thou art as yet from the true charity and humility which knows not how to be angry or indignant against any save self alone - Thomas a Kempis

'A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 2 The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly. [iii] (Pr 15:1-2). and 'Let your gentleness be evident to all.'[iv] (Phil 4:4-7)

How often am I harsh in my words and my arguments, angry that people can't see what I am saying, rather than commending the truth to people gently and wisely? My poor wife has had to put up too often with my harsh words, or impatience that she just hasn't understood whatever I think to be my latest pearls of wisdom to drop from my mouth! Are you like me often impatient with a listener when you try and explain to them something? Then you need more meekness!!

Meekness is described by Sproul as 'The opposite of abrasiveness; this inner mildness flows from a confident strength that is the antithesis of arrogance. The man who is secure in his love for God does not need to intimidate but can be kind and humble'[v]

'The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth' [vi] (2 Ti 2:24-25).

Of course Jesus and Moses did act angrily at times with good cause but not to defend themselves-Meekness should say 'I will never defend myself, but I'll die defending God or others'.

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 1[viii] (Jas 3:13-15).

- the meekness of wisdom. It is being wise enough to know ones own limitations and to know just what to do at the right time! Often much may be done by a wise man with minimal effort expended and with much gentleness. It is not manipulation however, but the gentle kindly wisdom that disarms all arguments. This meekness is such that the hearer knows you are for them, and are won over to listen to your wise words that will genuinely aid them. The meaning of the greek word wisdom is described as 'forming the best plans and using the best means for their execution.'[ix]

'Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.' [x]

There is then a clear sense of seizing the day, of carefulness of a degree of caution, and yet not wasting time.

3. Meekness is what we do, not our personality!

Show, conduct, deeds- by three words we see this is an active thing. Meekness is not about being a weak passive person who never says boo to a goose. We cannot hide behind the modern cult of personality, which seeks to shift the blame away from ourselves for what we do onto our unchangeable personality. 'Its just the way I am' is never a biblical cry! God did not make you to be highly-strung, angry, and proud or week and passive!

Nor so passive that no one ever sees you do anything coz you don't DO anything!! Its easy to appear meek if you never achieve anything! No, biblically we are responsible for our behaviour and it CAN change with Gods help!

Meekness is 'an attitude of humility toward God and gentleness toward people, springing from a recognition that God is in control. Although weakness and meekness may look similar, they are not the same. Weakness is due to negative circumstances, such as lack of strength or lack of courage. But meekness is due to a person's conscious choice. It is strength and courage under control, coupled with kindness'[xi] 'It is an attitude of heart in which all energies are brought into the perfect control of the Holy Spirit.'[xii]

'The key to understanding the virtue of meekness is that it is not a quality of weakness but rather of strength. Meekness is not cowardice, timidity or lack of confidence. In classical Greek the word from which we derive meekness was used to describe tame animals, soothing medicine and a gentle breeze. The word also implies self-control. Aristotle describes it as the mean between excessive anger and excessive passivity, so that meekness can be regarded as strength under control.'

4. Meekness has no room for bitterness and jealousy

The meek will not be constantly asking 'why'. Like Josephs response to his brothers we will forgive others when they sin against us- we will not be bitter, but realize that God meant it for our good. We will delight in others doing well and therefore will not be jealous. Accept Gods dealings with you as good, and do not fight against them. See all life's difficulties and even the actions of evil men as in the control of God and do not fight with them so vociferously. This is not pacifism and fatalism but it is peace that cannot be understood.

Meekness is described in one lexicon as 'the quiet and friendly composure which does not become embittered or angry at what is unpleasant, whether in the form of people or fate. This is an active attitude and deliberate acceptance, not just a passive submission, ….Greatness of soul is demonstrated by this superior acceptance'[xiv]

5. Meekness is the opposite of selfish ambition

We will want what is good for others. We will refuse to trample over people to get to the top and we will not stab people in the back. Our ambition will be limited to what is good for others not ourselves only. Dreaming big dreams for God is not the same thing as selfish ambition.

6. Meekness is not boasting

The truly meek man is too aware of his own shortcomings and too awed by the grace of God that has got him to where he is, to boast. The pride of man surrounds us, the meek will be prepared to let others speak of all he has accomplished and will want to acknowledge all the help he has received.

7. Meekness loves the truth.

IT is not false, rather it embraces the truth. Unafraid of the light the meek person will be open, honest and love the truth even when it hurts.

8. Meeness is submission

Meekness (translated gentleness here) is described as beautiful and of great worth- 'Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their husbands' (1 Pe 3:4-6).

9. Meekness being fixated wholly on God.

'The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself; but the Lord was 'meek' because he had the infinite resources of God at His command. Described negatively, meekness is the opposite to self-assertiveness and self-interest; it is equanimity of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all.' [xv]
'Not being overly impressed by a sense of one's self-importance, gentle, humble, considerate, meek in the older favorable sense' [xvi] Meekness is 'the lowly in heart, i.e., the One who is fixed wholly on God'[xvii] A meek man is 'a person who viewed his own role in relation to God as that of a servant and who thus quietly and gently subjected himself to God's will.'[xviii] There is a total absence of pride and a total dependence on God present. Our only hope is God!
'Poverty of spirit is facing your desperation, mourning is grieving over it, and meekness is throwing yourself on God's mercy.'[xix]

The meek do not seek the fulfilment of their own rights! They are concerned rather about their responsibilities to others. The bible is not a human rights based system, rather it is a responsibilities based system. 'God's approval is all that matters. The things that used to obsess us— clothes, status, success, sex, possessions—have lost their appeal because we've found the real source of satisfaction.'[xx]

Martyn Lloyd Jones- The man who is meek is not sensitive about himself. He is not always watching himself and his own interests. He is not always on the defensive. We all know about this, do we not? Is it not one of the greatest curses in life as a result of the fall—this sensitivity about self? We spend the whole of our lives watching ourselves. But when a man becomes meek he has finished with all that; he no longer worries about himself and what other people say.

To be truly meek means we no longer protect ourselves, because we see there is nothing worth defending. So we are not on the defensive, all that is gone. The man who is truly meek never pities himself, he is never sorry for himself. He never talks to himself and says, 'You are having a hard time, how unkind these people are not to understand you'. He never thinks: 'How wonderful I really am, if only other people gave me a chance.' Self-pity! What hours and years we waste in this!

The man who is truly meek is the one who is amazed that God and man can think of him as well as they do and treat him as well as they do.

So the occasion may indicate even angry action like it did for Jesus in the temple ,but such action will not be to protect ourselves or advance OUR cause, rather to fight for a cause, for others or for our lord. It is meekness that allowed the martyrs to go to their death.

What will happen to the meek ?
They will be saved. The character traits outlined in the sermon are necessary for salvation- or rather they flow more and more out of the saved life.

Renouncing force, domination, anger, violence, and revenge (Eph 5:21) the disciple in meekness does not press his own claim nor battle for his own interests. Related to God in submission and dependence, security and contentment (Matt 6:25–34), he in the end gets the most out of life. While anticipating heaven, he enjoys earth to the full[xxi]

Both in this world and the next, God delights in advancing the very people who do not desire self advancement! When you are meek you don't focus on youself, but God gives you everything.

'He esets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.'.[xxii] (Job 5:11)
-PSALM 37 God looking out for the meek!

The meek really are happy in this life and the next for God makes sure that they inherit the earth! Indeed, they feel like kings even if they are living on a rubbish dump for they are children of the king of the kingdom who is himself meek!

The bible is full of examples of meekness - Moses the meekest man the world knew in his time….David….Joseph. But most of all JESUS 'Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey' '[xxiii] (Mt 21:5).

The very incarnation and manner of Jesus birth and life on earth embodies meekness. 'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.'[xxiv] (Mt 11:28-30).

Do you want rest from the pressures of modern living- always striving for the next thing, for that little bit more money, that next promotion? Jesus as he is meek can give you the rest you need! I think we have also seen today that if anything these attitudes seem to get harder and harder for us to achieve ourselves! Who of us here can claim to be truly meek! Which of us believes that they can achieve it by simply applying themselves to it with their own effort?

Yes we must work for meekness and learn to love it, but as we love it we must seek our God to enable us to be the meek who will inherit the earth. Lets humble ourselves before our God in our inability to do this thing that he commands us to do- we are desperate we need him to make us meek!
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